Various raw meats in a laboratory

Removing Bacteria and Uncertainty One Flash At a Time

KSI is making a better tomorrow by disinfecting products and surfaces more effectively than ever with our innovative pulsed UV light technology. UV germicidal irradiation is 100 percent chemical-free, non-toxic and proven to be more than 99.9 percent effective in disinfection and decontamination.

Embracing new technology

Commercial and industrial companies have relied on traditional methods containing chemicals and toxic materials to disinfect food, products, air, water, and packages during processing. These conventional methods can be supplemented or replaced by pulsed UV light solutions. Next Level Safety Delivering safe products to your customers is invaluable.

KSI is here to help achieve the safest outcomes to prevent a critical event from happening. A critical event causes an interruption of your business, loss of revenue, unplanned expenses to identify the source and eliminate it and a challenge to public relations.

Have peace of mind, save money, time, and labor without cutting corners with KSI’s High-Intensity Pulsed UV light systems and keep your business safe.

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